• 22 November 2019

New CIYD resource on caring for Creation

The Church of Ireland Youth Department’s Executive is delighted to launch a new youth ministry resource for youth leaders. 

Young people around the world are calling for change. The pack will help Christian youth leaders and groups to understand the climate and biodiversity emergencies and how we can rise to the challenge to care for Creation. 

New CIYD resource on caring for Creation

This pack is a two–year programme that gathers resources to inform and inspire young people to take action on the environment – to extend God’s Kingdom on earth. It provides activities for worship, Bible study, prayer, activities and action. Updates to this pack will be provided quarterly by an email with links to resources you can print and file in this folder.

The resources are kindly provided by CIYD partners Tearfund Ireland and Christian Aid Ireland.

Simon Henry and Steve Grasham will be distributing hard copies of the pack to youth leaders in due course and the pack will also be downloadable from the CIYD website shortly.