• 02 December 2019

Pray and vote at Holy Trinity Ballylesson

On Election Day, December 12, Holy Trinity Ballylesson will offer local people both the opportunity to vote and the opportunity to pray. For whilst the church halls are being used as a polling station, the church will be also be open as a ‘praying station’.

“We’re going to keep the church open as long as the polls are open and offer voters a space for prayer, rest and reflection,” says the rector, Revd Mervyn Jamison. 

“We’ll have four prayer ‘stations’ around the church encouraging personal prayer, prayer for healing and family, prayer for our communities and prayer for governments and nations. There’ll also be three short collective services during the day at 11.00 am, 3.00 pm and 7.00 pm.”

Anyone is welcome to drop in for prayer but make sure it’s your polling station before you vote!