Glencraig’s Café Church fosters ‘connections with God and one another’
The rector of Glencraig, Revd Catherine Simpson, has introduced a new Café Church style service on Sunday evenings.
‘SIX THIRTY’ is an informal gathering in the church hall and has become a space to make connections with God and one another.
Catherine says: “We started SIX THIRTY as an outreach to people who have little or no Church connection, or who don’t relate to traditional expressions of church. What we have discovered is that Café Church appeals to every generation and background.
The feedback has been positive. Folk who come along have described it as a ‘non–threatening environment’ where they experience space to hear from God, good Bible teaching and encouragement to live out their faith.
Catherine continues: “It’s an ideal space for those who have done an Alpha course and are keen to continue their faith journey or for those exploring what faith is all about and wanting to reconnect with the local church. It has also been a great place to foster community within the parish and new friendships have been formed within the church family as people worship and serve together.
“We’ve been running for nearly four months and each week we’re welcoming new faces but there is always room for more!”
From 6.15 pm people are offered coffee/tea and treats, with praise from 6.30 pm, an interactive talk and opportunities for prayer ministry. For younger worshippers there is a craft and activity table to match the theme of the evening.
SIX THIRTY Café Church is on every Sunday evening from 6.15 pm apart from the first Sunday in the month which is a service of Evening Prayer. The next SIX THIRTY is on 8 March.