• 19 March 2020

Digital support for youth, children and families

Our brilliant team at DDYC have been working hard on how we can begin to support children, youth and families in these unique times.

First up, they have made available a download of our popular Family Time book. It’s full of devotional ideas to help parents encourage their primary school–aged children in the Christian faith. The ‘Play, Say and Pray’ format takes a Bible verse and teaches it with a simple illustration, a game, a short explanation and a prayer. It’s accessible and it’s fun!

Download Family Time as a PDF here.

Keep up to date with resources as they’re released on the DDYC Facebook page and the JIGSAW Facebook page.

Bishop David writes…

“This morning I did smile when I heard that one mother tweeted ‘one day into home schooling, one child expelled, one suspended and trying to arrange a transfer for the third’.

I am very grateful to Andrew, Julie and Tim who have been working hard to help us negotiate our way through the challenges and opportunities for these days. They have put together and identified resources to enable children’s, youth and family ministries to be re–invented in support families at this time.  

I was also struck this morning that today is the feast day of St Joseph of Nazareth.  Joseph chose at God’s invitation and call to set aside what was his norm to provide the earthly love, shelter and protection that Mary and Jesus would require in the years ahead.  His commitment required new life choices that would last not just for a few weeks but for a lifetime.  He was wise, he was generous, he was selfless and he was so considerate in serving both God and those God called him to serve.

Joseph is an example today to us as we choose to serve with generosity, wisdom and selflessness the children and young people in our parishes and communities.”

O God,who from the family of thy servant Daviddidst raise up Joseph to be the guardian of thine incarnate sonand spouse of his virgin mother;Give us grace to imitate his uprightness of lifeand his obedience to thy commands:through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Yours in Christ,


Down and Dromore