Help for churches to go digital
As churches prepare to go online we’ve produced a short guide to help our parishes produce a digital church service. Please keep an eye on your parish social media accounts for local updates.
What you can expect
Bishop David has asked that normal church services are replaced by a clergy person or licensed officiant along with 2 or maximum 3 others, recording an act of worship that can be transmitted live or sent out later.
This will vary from parish to parish but whatever is produced, however simple, should always contain:
•the scriptures being read;
•the scriptures being carefully and clearly expounded;
•intercession led by one or more people;
•and where possible a solo could follow the preaching of God’s word.
Preferably these services will be recorded / streamed from consecrated church buildings and sent out at least weekly on a Sunday.
A digital service will look very different to a normal Sunday service but we hope that it will help you connect with God and with each other.
Please also be aware of those in your church community who may not be tech–savvy and if possible help them to access digital worship.