Bells ring out for front–line workers
We’re sure that at 8.00 pm this evening, people all around the diocese will come to their doors and applaud the NHS and front line workers. Rector of Magherally and Annaclone, Revd David Palmer, will join in too, but with the help of the church bell right on his doorstep.
David explains: “On top of a hill and in a rural area, it soon became obvious that we couldn’t really join in the Thursday night applause for front line workers. Well, we could, but nobody would see or hear us.
“As the Rectory is next to the church I thought I would ring the bell. Our bell is situated in the fine bell tower which is rung from inside the church. It is a real single bell l which I ring from 8.00 to 8.05 pm in St John the Evangelist Magherally.
“At the same time the bell in Annaclone Church, about 5 miles away, is rung. After finishing I can hear distant clapping and other noises of support.
“Local NHS workers have expressed their appreciation and local residents on our WhatsApp group have asked to take turns to do this each week (one at a time and the rope is sanitised afterwards!).”