• 01 April 2020

Bishop David’s Palm Sunday Call to Prayer

As part of the Palm Sunday call to prayer for Ireland between 3–4.00 pm made by church leaders and para church leaders from across the island, Bishop David invites everyone with a connection to any of the churches in our diocese to do three things on Palm Sunday 5 April from 3.45 pm – 4.00 pm.

To place a cross or draw a picture of a cross in the time leading up to 3.45 pm from 4.00 pm onwards (where appropriately involving children in this activity) placing a cross in the window or putting the picture of the cross on a window in your home facing outwards. If you physically can to then please kneel. Pray aloud or silently as appropriate while kneeling (if you can) or sitting the following two prayers:

Prayer A

Heavenly Father,

We pray for all those on the frontline of the fight against Coronavirus.

For doctors, nurses, pharmacists and all medical staff, especially those we know (name any known to you).

For all those working in essential services (name those known to you).

For those who are sick, those who have been bereaved and those living alone who may be afraid (name those known to you).

And for all of us,

That we may know the peace of God that passes all understanding

(name family and close friends).

Lord God help us to hear and to heed your voice as you lead and guide us daily.

God Almighty enable us to know your presence and your power in our lives that we would see you at work more and more as each day passes.

We cry out to you asking you to intervene and halt the spread of this virus.

We ask for your wisdom and enabling for all involved in research to find a vaccine.

We pray for a new wind of your Holy Spirit to blow across this island with healing and hope, repentance and faith towards you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, leading to the salvation of many.

In your love and mercy, we pray that you would bless us with a new awareness of your presence with us, your love towards us, your kindness and care for us and for all those for whom Jesus lived and died.

May we and may many respond to you with all our hearts in love and faith.

We pray this in and through the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.


Prayer B

Almighty and merciful God who in days of old didst give to this land the benediction of thy holy Church; Withdraw not, we pray thee, thy favour from us, but so correct what is amiss, and supply what is lacking, that we may more and more bring forth fruit to thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Bishop David says:

“I welcome this initiative and with it the opportunity for Christians across this island to cry out to God for our land that He would heal, that He would bless, that He would come among us with His grace and mercy and saving love. I have in recent weeks provided a number of prayer resources. This call does not replace them but simply adds another opportunity for all of us in Down and Dromore Diocese to join with others in praying fervently and in a unite way into our current situation and for Ireland this Palm Sunday.”

Yours in His love+ David