Pray the Lord’s Prayer on your doorstep
As part of the Day of Prayer and Fasting on Saturday 25 April, Bishop David invites us to pray the Lord’s Prayer on our doorsteps at 8.00 pm that evening and to encourage others to join us on their doorsteps to pray.
Bishop David writes…
Dear Friends
One of our clergy said to me regarding Easter Sunday past, “While we cannot meet with each other we can still meet with the risen Lord’’.
I have a picture in my heart and mind of people from every parish in our diocese setting aside time on St Marks Day, 25 April to fast and pray. I can visualise hundreds and thousands contacting friends and neighbours to join them in a similar way to how we stand applauding the NHS and concluding that Saturday together “in the presence of the risen Lord” by standing at thousands of doors in hundreds of streets across our diocese at 8.00 pm praying aloud the Lords Prayer.
We can do it together!
Using every means you can, please call your friends, fellow parishioners and others to join with many in this opportunity for us to meet with the risen Lord.
He is risen indeed, Hallelujah!
Prayer Topics for 25 April
Please pray on St Mark’s Day and in the days ahead. Come Holy Spirit.
For those who are sick at this time, that they would be healed (name those known to you).
For those working in the NHS and other front–line services, that God would protect them (name those known to you).
For many to come to faith in Jesus in these days (name those that you want to see come to faith in Jesus Christ).
For a move of the Holy Spirit in your parish (pray by name for your rector, rectory family, church staff, select vestry members and all who hold any office and serve in any way).
For those who are the decision makers in our nation (pray by name for politicians and others known to you).
For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our diocese (pray by name for Bishop David, his family, the diocesan staff team and their families).
Thank you
Click here to download some prayer resources.
Click here for a brief guide to Christian fasting.