• 14 April 2020

‘Where is God in a Coronavirus World?’

Are you asking this question or are others asking it of you? John Lennox, who was born in Northern Ireland and is Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University has written a very useful book by that name: ‘‘Where is God in a Coronavirus World’.

Here’s why John wrote the book:

”This book consists of my reflections on what we are experiencing right now. I started writing it a week ago, and things have changed quickly since then and no doubt will do again…I would invite you, the reader, to view the book like this: we are sitting in a coffee shop (if only we could!) and you have asked me the question on the book cover. I put down my coffee cup and attempt to give you an honest answer. What follows is what I would try to say in order to convey some comfort, support and hope.” 

Do consider buying more than one copy to share with others who are asking questions. The title is available from The Good Book Company at only £2.54 and there are special discounts available for bulk purchases. 

Buy the book and find out more here or email: robin.fairbairn@thegoodbook.co.uk