A drive–in first for St Patrick’s Millisle
St Patrick’s Millisle held their first ever drive–in service on Sunday afternoon, 24th May.
The church joined forces with the Hope Centre, a local independent Christian drop–in, to host the service in the car park which is on the main road through the village.
It all happened very quickly after an approach from Hope’s Pastor Joe who joined the rector of Carrowdore and Millisle, Revd Colin Davis, in leading the service.
“It was definitely a ‘first’ for me and, I believe, the church,” said Colin. “It took me right out of my comfort zone, but these are challenging times which bring about opportunities for God to both challenge and grow us.
“Before going ahead, we consulted with the vestry and the diocese and made sure that we were able to comply with the guidelines around social distancing and hygiene. I’m grateful to my glebe warden and church warden who helped with marshalling.
“We had about 15 cars in the car park with room for a dozen more, so if you are out and about on Pentecost Sunday, come and join us!”
We’ll be bringing you reports of other drive–in services happening in parishes around the diocese.