Annalong parishioners rise to the challenge
When we were asked to close the doors to our churches back in March, the folk in Annalong Parish faced negotiating this new reality without a rector. Undaunted, however, by the vacancy, the parishioners have risen to the challenge.
David Hanna, Secretary to the Select Vestry, tells us more:
“Kilhorne is focused on the promises of God’s word and the faithfulness He shows us day by day. We have been so encouraged to see how our parish has so quickly pulled together so many outreach opportunities. As well as our online Sunday services available on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, we have a Midweek Bible Study and Prayer time on Wednesdays at 8.00 pm via Zoom, and a children’s ministry slot with solid biblical teaching with two secret Agents (Agent E and Agent Z) who have to solve a puzzle to access the “Secret Agent Hut” each Wednesday morning (pictured).
“Prior to lockdown being announced there was a lot of forward thinking as it became an ever more possible reality. Some of our talented singers and pianist met in an effort to record favourite hymns and children’s choruses to be included in our online services. We have also used some congregational singing from past audio recording of services in our online services to give variety to the music.
“In addition to having so many Biblical teaching initiatives in place, we recognise the importance of having fellowship, of chat, craic and being together. To help with this, we have a weekly Sunday evening gathering where some of our Parishioners join a Zoom meeting for virtual tea, coffee, food and craic. We have had a very successful table quiz online via zoom with a further one organised for Thursday 7 May.
“It has been such an encouragement to see so many parishioners getting involved in reading God’s Word, praying, conducting children’s talks, singing and teaching God’s word faithfully week by week.”
Reaching the housebound
Whilst Kilhorne’s online services reach several hundred people weekly, they are very conscious of their elderly housebound with no internet access and cater for them with an audio CD of the service posted out each week.
The Select Vestry has also been very proactive in reaching out to each family through a letter informing them where to find online services and midweek Bible Studies and what to do with freewill offering envelopes. The letter also provided a Select Vestry contact for each family to call should there be a practical need for help.
David concludes: “We also want to thank Mrs Shirley Crutchley for her dedication, listening ear and encouragement during this time. Shirley has been such an encouragement to many offering pastoral support via the telephone for anyone who is in need.
“As we continue to encourage each other during this difficult time it is so important to draw close to God and His word.”
Leviticus 26:12: “And I will walk among you and will be your God and you shall be my people”