Latest Youth and Children’s Resources from the diocese
Latest resources from our Youth and Children’s Officers, Tim Burns and Julie Currie.
JIGSAW@Home for Sunday 10 May
JIGSAW Sunday School material has downsized for families to do at home. Material may be downloaded below.
Year 1 Unit 9 Lesson 2: The Lord’s Prayer part 2 (see the Lord’s prayer said in Makaton on our YouTube channel both the Traditional and Modern versions).
Year 2 Unit 9 Lesson 2: The Body of Christ
Year 3 Unit 9 Lesson2: Peter’s miraculous escape
Look out for the family craft/prayer activity videos for each lesson that I will be putting up on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
All Age Family Talks
Keep an eye out for the All Age Family Talks at the end of the month that will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel downanddromore
Memory Verse Challenge
Memory Verse challenge for the month of May: see our YouTube channel downanddromore
Year 1 – The Lord’s Prayer: both modern and traditional versions
Year 2 – Matthew 28:19: ‘Therefore go make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy Spirit.’
Year 3 – Philippians 4:13: ‘For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.’
Lectionary based Sunday School material for Sunday 10 May– another great idea from Together@Home – Jesus comforting His disciples (John 14:1–14). Download here.
For Families
Family prayer together – a video prayer activity will come out each Monday on our Instagram and Facebook pages for families to do throughout the week– to encourage them to pray as a family together each day.
Saturday Night Live (Stream) is available on our YouTube channel and our Facebook page.
Reflections from the Woodpile
The second of a weekly video bible reflection series for young people exploring the Sermon on the Mount is now available, you can find it here. This one discusses what it means to be Salt and light.
This can be used for young people within the parish as part of your Sunday worship. It can also be used as a discussion starter within a zoom youth gathering. Please feel free to use it if you would like and as you would like. The script and questions for reflection and discussion may be downloaded here.
DDYC Minecraft Realm
We have launched a new DDYC Minecraft Realm. For young people to be involved there is an online permission form linked below for parents to complete, from there the young person will be invited to join the realm. Flyer is attached below.
The link to the DDYC Minecraft Realm permission form is here.
Weekly Challenge
This week’s Challenge for young people across the diocese is The Great DDYC Bake Off. Young people must submit photos or videos of their baking by Friday the 8 May at 5.00 pm. Entries can be sent by direct message to our Facebook or Instagram page.
There has been good engagement with previous weeks and it would be great to have more people participating so please encourage young people to get involved.
Zoom Activities
Here are some websites that can be used to for games and activities with young people via Zoom.
The following website hosts a number of different online games which have various numbers of participant spaces. (Registration for this does cost and there are some games not suitable for playing with young people.
Bible Society
The Bible Society has a Bible 2020 project that is looking to encourage people to read their bible with people across the world and share it. This is an exciting project and one that is easy to engage with. They supply a daily bible reading plan and there is an app for the project, click here to explore more.
24/7 Prayer
The team at 24/7 Prayer has a daily devotional resource that can be downloaded as an app on your phone or tablet. It is created to help you pray the bible every day. Click the link here.
Care for the Family
Care for the Family have some wonderful resources for all areas. Visit their website here.
Click on DDYC or JIGSAW for more resources and ideas or visit our instagram pages @ddyc and @jigsawddyc.