Lockdown easing and ministry
Lockdown restrictions in Northern Ireland have been eased this week as part of the first step in the recovery plan. This means some changes in how our churches are permitted to minister.
The diocese has provided advice in order that any changes can be made safely and in line with government guidelines around Covid–19.
Please check your parish website and social media accounts for local updates and look out for information arriving by post.
Pastoral support
Bearing in mind that government guidelines still ask us to stay at home, it will be possible for clergy and others authorised by them to offer some pastoral care out of doors. In all cases government guidelines around the prevention of Coronavirus transmission will have to be met.
Re–opening of church buildings for private prayer
In parishes where clergy and select vestries want to do so and government guidelines around safe distancing and hygiene can be met, churches may be reopened for private prayer. Please note that church buildings will not be open for private prayer on Sundays.
Small group meetings for discipleship, prayer, bible study etc.
These are now permitted out of doors for up to six people provided all government guidelines, including safe distancing and no singing, are observed at all times.
Drive–in church services
Drive–in services are an option for parishes who wish to hold them, providing they can comply with government guidelines around safe distancing, hygiene, and meet health and safety requirements. Planning and imagination will be required, as will suitable large open spaces! Drive–in services will not replace any existing services, nor will they be held on Sunday mornings.
Bishop David says:
“The next season will be both challenging and full of opportunity. When we went into lockdown nine weeks ago our parishes not only rose to the challenges but surpassed them. With that same attitude let us again with God’s help move forward together.”