• 21 May 2020

Prayer for Ireland continues in LAMP during 10 Days of Prayer

On St Patrick’s Day, a few days before lockdown, Bishop David handed out cards at Down Cathedral with the BCP’s Prayer ‘For Ireland’ (p.145) printed on it. He urged those present to pray it daily until Pentecost as the diocese began looking ahead to these 10 Days of Prayer between Ascension and Pentecost. 

The Ministry Team in LAMP have been posting a version of the prayer each day on the LAMP Facebook Page, and they are preparing to make a special effort as this project draws to its close. 

The final days from 21–31 May will feature prayers from a variety of people, including well known faces from the local community in and around Lecale, ecumenical friends such as Martina Purdy (former BBC Political Correspondent) and other church leaders. 

The opening and closing prayers in the 10 Days of Prayer will be led by The Archbishops of Armagh (Ascension Thursday) and Canterbury (Pentecost).

Speaking of the initiative, Dean Henry Hull said, “We are delighted by the response we’ve had with 78 different recordings  of the prayer from St Patrick’s Day through to Pentecost.  Here in LAMP, we will be using the materials from ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, which is a global prayer movement that runs each year from the Ascension Day to Pentecost, alongside the materials for the Diocesan 10 Days of Prayer. ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ was initiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby.  We are delighted that he, and our own Primate, Archbishop John McDowell have agreed to participate.”

The Prayer for Ireland is posted each morning on the LAMP Facebook Page. 

Each weekday at 5.00 pm, there is a short service of Evening Prayer from Down Cathedral, which you can watch through the Cathedral Webcam at this link