• 24 May 2020

Praying the Collect Prayer

Day 3 of our 10 Days of Prayer falls on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Sunday after Ascension Day.

The Collect of the Seventh Sunday of Easter (Book of Common Prayer p.278)

O God the King of Glory,

you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ

with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven:

Mercifully give us faith to know

that, as he promised,

he abides with us on earth to the end of time;

who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

  • For all those worshipping virtually today across our Diocese and further afield

  • Especially for those who have come to online worship who may not usually attend a physical Church Service – that they would know the power of God’s presence and enter into a deeper relationship with him

  • For Church leaders across the denominations as they seek to provide a prophetic voice in the most unusual circumstances