Praying today for young adults
On Day 1 of our 10 Days of Prayer we focus our intercessions on young adults, praying…
God of Joseph, of David and Daniel,
whose Son our Lord took on flesh
and as a young man entered the gate of death
and defeated the grave;
come in power on that generation of young adults
within and without your Church today.
Equip them with hope, purpose and passion,
that they may know and live out the call
to walk as your disciples,
and bear witness to your life–giving love;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
For young adults to pray
Almighty and merciful God, as with your servant Moses, may we seek your presence more than our success. May we grow in love and knowledge of you and may we know the presence of your Holy Spirit in our lives and the lives of our churches, and by your Holy Spirit cause our lives to share your love and make you known in our communities, in our spheres of influence and in our world. Amen.
For young adults in training and educations, whose studies have been impacted by the COVID–19 Pandemic
For hope to prevail in a world full of despair, particularly for those young adults for whom economic and employment prospects look increasingly challenging
For a new generation of leaders to be raised up in Christ’s Church as labourers in the harvest
For repentance in the Church for those times when we fail to connect with this key generation