• 10 June 2020

Bishop David asks us to pray for Bishops Bill and Moses

Partnerships in the Gospel are precious and for many years we in Down and Dromore have both treasured and been blessed by our partnership with the Diocese of Albany in New York State, and the Diocese of Maridi in South Sudan.

Currently both these dioceses and their bishops have requested our prayers and it is our privilege to respond.

Bishop Bill Love (above right)

The case relating to Bishop Bill Love’s stand in not permitting same sex marriages to be held in the Diocese of Albany will be heard on Friday 12 June 2020 at 9.00 am EST (2.00 pm BST) via remote electronic means, Zoom. The hearing is open to members of the public who may view proceedings at this Facebook link. Read the full notice of the hearing here.

Any of us who know Bill know that he is not an argumentative or unreasonable person.  He has remained a faithful bishop in the Episcopal Church of the United States of America. Without going into the details of this case in this brief statement I want to state clearly and publicly that I admire Bishop Bill’s courage and whatever the outcome of the case I pledge to stand with him in every way I can. I ask that we pray for Bishop Bill Love, for his family and for all involved in this hearing.

I commend the prayer on page 580 of the BCP as a prayer to use over the next 3 days when praying for Bishop Bill.

Give to this your servant Bill grace and powerwhich you gave to your apostles,to lead those committed to his charge in proclaiming the gospel of salvation.Through him increase your Church, renew its ministry,and unite its members in a holy fellowship of truth and love.Enable him as a true shepherd to feed and govern your flock,to be wise as a teacher,and steadfast as a guardian of the faith and sacraments of your Church.Guide and direct him in presiding at the worship of your people.Give him humility, to use his authority to heal, not to hurt;to build up, not to destroy.Defend him from all evil, that as a ruler over your householdand an ambassador for Christ he may stand before you blameless,and finally, with all your servants, enter your eternal joy.Accept our prayers, most merciful Father,through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord,to whom, with you and your Holy Spirit,belong glory and honour, worship and praise,now and for ever. Amen

Bishop Moses Zungo (above left)

We also hold before God, Bishop Moses and the people of Maridi Diocese at this time. The coronavirus pandemic is now impacting the lives of many in the diocese including its clergy. 

We in Down and Dromore hold Bishop Moses in our prayers. We will have an opportunity later in the year to contribute financially towards the work of ministry in Maridi diocese but meanwhile any parishes or individuals who want to immediately assist financially should do so through directly through CMS Ireland at this link.

Bishop Moses has written a report on the situation in the diocese which you can read on our website here.

It is our privilege to hold both these godly leaders before the Lord in prayer in what are, for both of them, challenging days.

Yours in Christ,
