Kilhorne Church marks 180 years of worship
This weekend marks 180 years of worship in Kilhorne Church, Annalong. Unable to gather to celebrate, the parish has produced a video looking back at Kilhorne’s history and people. Happy Anniversary!
“Throughout the years we have been truly blessed with faithful ministers who taught God’s word Sunday by Sunday.
This Sunday at 11.30 am, we have our online Gift Day service.
As we think ahead to that, we want to be reminded of fellowship.
Over the years we have had many different events from flower festivals, fry nights, concerts and more recently, tractor runs. None of these could take place without the dedication of our church family.
We thank God for our church family. We miss meeting each week during these unprecedented times however, we know that God will continue to bless us through His faithfulness to us and in return our dedication and faithfulness to Him.
Please enjoy this 180th anniversary video and tag those you recognise.”