Latest Youth and Children’s Resources
JIGSAW@Home for Sunday 7 June
Trinity Sunday Year 2 Unit 10 (extra material here)
All Age Talk for Trinity Sunday – A talk for all ages ready to go or download for this Sunday.
Watch the all age family talks on our Youtube channel: downanddromore
Files also available from the JIGSAW@HOME DDYC GROUP on facebook (accessible via our JIGSAW facebook page).
Lectionary based Sunday School material for Sunday 7 June. Download the PDF here.
Sunday School is ending. . . are you having an end of year service? . . . have you thought of prizes? Richard Ryan from The Book Well has options for vouchers, coupons and books, he will post them out free of charge if over £10
Looking ahead to the summer, the online 5 day Holiday Bible Club 2020 will be ready for the end of June.
FORKY’S GREAT ESCAPE . . . from the ordinary to the extraordinary. It will include all the elements of a HBC with talks, a quiz, craft activities, prayer activities, etc all in simple videos to download. You can then make it your own by using the elements you require and slotting them into your own online HBC or we can make up each day for you. For more info ask Julie.
‘Hannah Prays’ is to encourage daily family prayer together. Each Monday this will be posted for the week ahead on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Bereavement for Kids is an excellent resource from together@home which helps parents discuss a bereavement with their children. Download the PDF here (p.1 for children, p.2 for parents).
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live (Stream) comes back on Saturday 6 June when Reuben Johnston, youth worker in Willowfield will be the speaker. This will be available through our YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Reflections from the Woodpile
The seventh of a weekly video bible reflection series for young people exploring the Sermon on the Mount is now available, you can find it here. This one discusses Matthew 5: 38–42, Retaliation.
This can be used for young people within the parish as part of your Sunday worship or as a discussion starter within a zoom youth gathering. Download the script and questions for reflection and discussion here.
DDYC Minecraft Realm
Our DDYC Minecraft Realm is underway and has been having good interaction. For young people to be involved parents must fill in an online permission form (download here). From there the young person will be invited to join the realm.
Children and Young People Strategic Partnership
Download the resource pack for activities to do with Children and Young People here. The first set of resources are activities to do with Children and Young People that have a disability. The second section has resources and activities to support Children’s and young people’s mental health.
Scripture Union
‘It’s your Move’ for those in P.7 will move online. A brilliant resource for those struggling with making the adjustment to moving school and the stresses, worries and anxiety over this. The lessons will be released on the following dates:
Week 1: Thursday 4 June, 10.00 am – Change
Week 2: Thursday 11 June, 10. 00 am – Choice
Week 3: Thursday 18 June, 10.00 am – Challenge
Everything you will need for the lessons will be accessible via this link each week:
There you will also be able to access any related activities or sheets needed for that week’s session. The videos will contain all the content needed for the lesson, and therefore don’t need to be teacher–led.
There are constant updates on our Facebook and instagram pages:
Click on DDYC or JIGSAW for more resources and ideas or visit our instagram pages @ddyc and @jigsawddyc.