• 03 June 2020

How to run Alpha Online

Alpha Northern Ireland is running a short training session on Zoom this Friday afternoon, 5 June, at 3.00 pm. Find out more from below from Jonny Campbell.

“Just 10 weeks ago there wasn’t a single Alpha in N.Ireland running online. Incredibly, at the beginning of this sunny week there are 74 registered online Alphas running here and an astonishing 1,000 across the UK. We are beginning to hear many stories coming back of lives changed as people encounter the presence of God.

“We’ve packaged all we’ve learned so far into an hour of training on Zoom – so I really wanted to invite you if you’re considering Alpha online.

“This Friday 5 June at 3.00 pm I’ll be covering a tech walkthrough, small group tips and providing an opportunity for both Q&A and chat with other leaders running Alpha at the moment.” 

Click here to sign up 

(This link will take you to a Zoom registration page hosted by Alpha NI)