It’s great to be back!
"It's great to be back" was the overwhelming feeling across Down and Dromore as some of our churches reopened their buildings for Sunday worship.
Congregations were smaller than usual, restricted by the the need to observe social distancing and strict hygiene measures, but those that came were delighted to return.
Here are reports from a few of our parishes...
Holywood Parish
Canon Gareth Harron, Vicar of Holywood, welcomed 90 people across two services, ranging in ages from tiny tots to those in their 90s.
"We can't put an age limit on those coming through our doors but I was delighted to see a full range of people represented.
"Some of our older parishioners really enjoyed being back as they have been a bit more isolated at home," he said.
"I think anyone who came along and saw how we kept to social distancing guidelines would have felt that they were in a safe place and we had those within family support bubbles sitting together which worked well.
"In general, the atmosphere was really good and I've had a few lovely messages from people who appreciated being together once more.
"While services have been continuing online for the past few months it was very emotional for people to see members of their church family in person again."
St Jude's Belfast
Rector, Revd Peter Bourke said: "It was great to be back together for Morning Worship at St Jude’s Belfast. We weren’t able to sing but we had fun enjoying the actions to the Children’s Song: ‘Never be shaken’!
"Despite the rain showers a good number of folks came back for our first Sunday service in over 15 weeks!
"We returned safely, slowly and simply having communicated with church members over the past week of the restrictions and changes.
"We continued our summer series walking through the Bible’s 'Hall of Fame’ learning what it means to live 'by faith' from Hebrews 11. It's a fitting theme to consider as we return to worship Christ together again in our building."
Willowfield Church
Sixty-five worshippers gathered once again and at a safe distance at Willowfield Parish Church in east Belfast.
Curate, Revd Karen Salmon, said it was an exciting day and one that marked a step in the right direction.
"Normally we would have four services on a Sunday but we just had one at 10am which was broadcast later on Facebook and YouTube as well as continuing to record our evening service.
"Everybody came in excited, smiling and just glad to be allowed to be together again and that's how they left.
"The feedback from them was that it was really good to be able to see each other again.
"At the beginning of the service we got everyone to wave at each other across the church because they couldn't get up and mingle as they usually would."
Glen Community Church
Glen Community Church in Newtownards faced particular problems reopening as they meet in a local Primary School.
However, determined to get together safely, some 20 folks attended their first main outdoor gathering on Sunday morning in Londonderry Primary School grounds.
Throughout the summer months, the Glen Church plan to gather outdoors each week following their bible teaching series: Summer Sundays through the Psalms.
Meeting safely
As well as ensuring social distancing and proper hygiene measures, each church that reopened asked worshippers to complete contact tracing cards. All of these steps are an important part of helping you feel safe and confident about coming back to church.