RTE to broadcast service from Down Cathedral
Sunday Worship on the RTE News Channel at 2pm on 2nd August, the eighth Sunday after Trinity, will be a Service of Holy Communion recorded in Down Cathedral.
The Officiant and Preacher will be the Dean of Down and Rector of the Lecale Area Mission Partnership (LAMP, the Parish Group of which the Cathedral is a part) The Very Revd Henry Hull, assisted by LAMP’s Vicar The Revd Adrian Dorrian and Part Time Stipendiary Curate The Revd Julie Bell.
Each service from Down Cathedral is streamed through the provider churchservices.tv, who have recorded this service for RTE to broadcast on Sunday.
Speaking about the service, Dean Hull said: ‘The Livestream through the Cathedral Webcam has been part of the life of Down Cathedral for several years, but this ministry has really come into its own in the past months since Churches buildings initially closed, and since the return to in-Church worship at the start of July.
We took the decision to stream not only our Sunday services, but also our midweek services – Evening Prayer each weekday at 5pm and Holy Communion each Thursday at 10am. In fact, it was at one of our Thursday morning gatherings that we recorded the service for this Sunday.
We have been delighted by the engagement – the service provider is able to tell us that we’ve had thousands of visitors in the past month, mostly from the UK and Ireland and from places as far away as South America, Hong King and even someone in the Vatican City!
While we are delighted that some of our parishioners and other visitors are now able to join us in our buildings, many vulnerable people are still not able to come out to larger indoor gatherings so this ministry will continue to grow in value in the weeks and months ahead. I hope that people will feel welcomed and blessed as they join us this Sunday.”
Services from Down Cathedral can be accessed through the Cathedral Livestream link here: https://www.churchservices.tv/downcathedral
You can also access more information about the Cathedral and LAMP through their websites: