MU Trustees take a prayer walk in Lurgan
On the eve of Mary Sumner Day (9 August) some of MU Down and Dromore Trustees met for a prayer walk in Lurgan Park.
"After so much rainfall during the previous number of days, we were truly blessed with warm sunshine and beautiful surroundings," writes Rosie Teggarty.
"Our walk began with a time of reflection and prayer and then we began our stroll around various parts of the park enjoying some much-needed fellowship with one another. As we reached various locations (which Roberta had earlier sourced that morning along with Marion as they conducted the risk assessment), we stopped to read portions of scripture and pray. Roberta’s husband Gerald (our chaplain) brought along his latest toy – a drone, taking footage of us as we ambled along our way!
"At a time in our world when so much chaos is taking place, it was a time for us a group to be still, read, reflect and listen to the words of our Lord. We offered prayers for our Covid-19 situation, for the tragedy that took place in Lebanon, for the future of Mother’s Union worldwide, for the safety of our children and grandchildren, for those who supply our food, for those who care for us when we are sick and for spiritual refreshment to help nurture our faith.
"Just before we finished our morning of reflection with some light refreshments, we reflected on the work and mission of Mary Sumner. We are thankful for her witness and the way in which she has inspired so many people. We are thankful that so many people are beacons of hope for their communities. We pray that everyone will experience God’s love and that He will make this a reality.
"What a wonderful morning together. Thank you, Lord."