Butterflies of Hope – closing date approaching!
A reminder that entries for our Butterflies of Hope Competition will close on Wednesday 30 September. Do please get cutting out, colouring, laminating, even sewing and knitting so that we can send out a message of HOPE across the diocese!
This is a parish–wide competition with opportunity for everyone in the church family to get involved.
Pictured above, a kaleidoscope of beautiful butterflies from Drumgor School children and friends of St Saviour’s Craigavon, all laminated and ready to hang on their trees.
There will be a beautiful certificate awarded to every church that enters and four monetary prizes to be used for something special for your church family.
1.Overall winning church £500
2.Prize for the most Butterflies on display £300
3.Prize for the most creative display £200
4.Prize for the most colourful display £100
All you need to know about entering, including templates, is in this downloadable PDF.