Called to reader ministry – Alan Mackie
Bishop David commissioned three new Diocesan Readers at a service in Holywood Parish on Monday 22 September.
Warmest congratulations to Alan Mackie MBE from Holywood Parish
I have always felt that I have had a strong Christian Faith. This has been to the fore throughout my teaching career where I always sought to bring a faithful consideration to all that I did.
My journey of faith has strengthened as the years have passed and I have been aware that this has occurred over a period of time.
The most visible sign which I can offer of this was an encounter in the architecturally stunning Hawksmoor Church of St. Mary Wolnoth, the church of John Newton, in London where I had several opportunities to be alone with God in that beautiful building. I felt strongly that I was being guided at those moments.
So, after prayerful consideration I first became a Parish Reader and subsequently decided to investigate the role of Diocesan Lay Reader in the Church of Ireland.
I am happy to state categorically that if I had been born in any other part of the world or at any other time, I would have wished to be a member of a liturgical church which was both Catholic and Apostolic which is most definitely where I see my mission.
My guiding principle in my ministry will be to remember the teaching of Richard Hooker who emphasised the importance of faith, reason and tradition in the Anglican Church.
The strength of the Church of Ireland lies in its liturgy based entirely on the word of God. We have the Prayer Book, and whether we are wedded and glued to the words of Cranmer or can also appreciate the more modern forms of service at least we worship in an ordered and dignified way as Paul instructs us so to do in 1 Corinthians 14:40.
This in no way, of course, prevents us from reaching out to all, and our outreach must play an important role in the life of every parish church.
It is also important to accept that others do not always share our methods nor indeed our beliefs. We have a Christian duty to work with all Christian traditions to further the work of Jesus Christ in our world today.
Watch the service on Facebook here.
Applications are open for the new Diocesan Reader Training Course. Find out more here.