Called to Reader ministry – Lisa Rea Currie
Bishop David commissioned three new Diocesan Readers at a service in Holywood Parish on Monday 22 September.
Warmest congratulations to Lisa Rea Currie from Movilla Abbey Church
When I first felt God’s call to explore reader ministry, I tried to put every obstacle in my path to prevent following it. I told myself and God that I was too busy with my husband and three young children under 6. I didn’t have a Church of Ireland background and had only been attending Movilla Abbey in Newtownards for a couple of years having grown up in Brethren and Baptist churches. I had just started to work full–time for the first time in 5 years. Ultimately, I felt that I wasn’t good enough – in both ability and in my relationship with God. I tried every excuse! However, I still had a desire to be useful for God and to use the talents I have been given in communication, connection and a love of learning. As I surrendered to what I believed was God’s will for me, the obstacles were removed or overcome. My family and church supported me on the journey. The course was still challenging to balance with family and work but the three of us on our intake were blessed with a staggered start date. This meant assignment submission dates were more spread out and the workload more manageable for us. God even sent people to unexpected places to encourage me when I was doubting this was the right path. God was there before me and met my needs before I knew what they were. Going forward, I hope I can apply the lessons of this journey in my role as Diocesan Reader. To share with others that God sees each of us, loves us, wants a relationship with us and wants us to use our gifts and potential to further God’s Kingdom. We can all be part of God’s amazing plan. Acts 28: 30–31. Watch the service on Facebook here. Applications are open for the new Diocesan Reader Training Course. Find out more here.