Bishop David completes a visitation of the diocese
As lockdown lifted at the end of June, Bishop David began a visitation of every church in the diocese to meet parish leaders (in a socially distanced manner) and to pray.
“It was such a privilege to visit every church building and the new church plants, 117 in total,” he said.
“After weeks of restrictions on our social contacts I met with each rector along with other staff and representatives of the Select Vestry. I was glad to be able to thank them in person for the outstanding ministry they have provided to the people of our parishes, especially during the months of lockdown.”
Beginning in Helen’s Bay and ending with Belvoir Parish, Bishop David also read a Psalm and prayed in every one of our church buildings.
He continued: “At each visit I read the words of Psalm 122 and prayed for all the people who live in our parishes. Every church has a parish and we are so blessed by the resource that our church buildings are for Kingdom ministry. However, we must never forget that God has entrusted to us ‘the cure of souls’; every soul, every person that lives in our parishes.
This is our mission; this is the ministry which God has entrusted to our diocese.”
View photos of the visitation captured in three galleries on our Gallery page. Please note that not every church is featured.