4 Corners Festival launched
Professor John Paul Lederach, the internationally renowned conflict transformation expert, is the keynote speaker at the 9th annual 4 Corners Festival that takes place in Belfast from January 31 to February 7.
Due to the pandemic most of those attending the Christian arts festival that offers a rich mix of talks, music, drama, and prayer will do so from the comfort of their homes as the events will be streamed on–line having been promoted on social media.
The organising committee announced on the festival’s website www.4cornersfestival.com that the theme is Breathe… from the Hebrew word Ruach meaning ‘breath’ or ‘spirit’ – the meaning of life.
They added, in a letter to supporters: “The programme is designed to encourage the breathing of hope and creativity into our city and to foster resilience as we contend with the challenges of the pandemic.”
Others taking part will include singer–songwriter Duke Special, Jamaican–born poet and singer–songwriter Raquel McKee and the poet and theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama.
The full programme will be announced shortly on the website and it is planned that a limited number will be able to attend some of the events, regulations permitting.