Maridi Diocese – latest update from CMSI
Down and Dromore and the Diocese of Albany share together in Mission with the Church in South Sudan through CMS Ireland. We’re looking forward to contributing further to the work of Maridi Diocese through our recent Advent Gift Day.
November 2020
The Diocese of Maridi has completed a great many projects this year. There has been good progress with the provision of bicycles for clergy, with much assistance from various parishes in Ireland. The new rainwater harvesting tank is working fantastically well and in the last couple of weeks link parishes have been able to provide assistance for the diocesan plan to install solar panels, which will help with both water, and provision of light in the cathedral.
The provision of emergency assistance to pastors whose parishes have been locked down is still ongoing for now. Bishop Moses also wanted to support his clergy team by providing training for them as they give care to many who are traumatised in their communities. The 12 rural deans, 6 archdeacons and 6 Mothers’ Union leaders of the diocese were brought to town for the training.
Bishop Moses writes: “Trauma is a very serious problem which lives with people for the longer period. When people are traumatised, they behave quite differently. So the training gave much healing to the church leaders and they can laugh and now talk freely to each other.”
Bishop Moses recently attended the House of Bishop’s meeting in Juba, pictured above.