• 16 December 2020

Lasting Legacies

Since the beginning of the pandemic and the closing of church buildings, Bishops’ Appeal saw a sharp drop in donations and in its ability to fund vital support for struggling communities around the world. 

However, due to the continued generosity of parishes and individuals combined with the receipt of two generous legacies, the Committee was recently able to fund multiple transformative projects. Added to these our Mother and Child Advent Appeal was also partially funded by these legacies, which is supporting:

  • Emergency food for lactating mothers and malnourished children in Nepal

  • Adequate shelter for families fleeing conflict in DR Congo

  • Training support for emergency foster parents for children with trauma or disabilities in Cambodia

  • Rehabilitation of health clinics for pregnant women in Sierra Leone.

One such legacy donation was from a lifelong advocate of education so it was our privilege and our honour to direct those funds to support quality education for vulnerable children in Uganda; access to education and inclusive extra–curricular activities for children with disabilities in Kenya; and to Literacy Circles in Burundi for women who never before had the opportunity to access education.

Anyone gifting a donation in their Will can direct their giving based on their life’s passions.  Bishops’ Appeal will identify carefully vetted projects to ensure they not only meet with best practises, are sustainable and are properly monitored, but that the people who are most in need are targeted to access the supports. 

Your legacy could fund vocational training for Self Help Group members who learn basic numeracy, accountancy and business skills to help them grow their small enterprises. 

Your legacy could support ante–natal and post–natal care in countries where it is dangerous to have a baby or to refurbish health clinics that currently have no water or electricity. 

Your legacy could fund emergency responses after natural disasters as well as the longer term response of rebuilding the communities again.

Your legacy could support access to drought resistant seeds and training in conservation farming methods for entire communities where erratic weather patterns are causing hunger, desperation and migration.

Your legacy could support the provision of a clean water source, the protection of people being trafficked, access to sanitary protects for young women, the safeguarding of creation through the protection of a tribal group or forests and soil. Through our global partners we have the capacity to direct legacies to the causes closest to your heart and for those funds to reach the people who need it most.

Our legacies can be extraordinary. Our life’s passion can have an impact on the world’s poorest people. Thank you for your support and consideration of the work of the Bishops’ Appeal.

Pictured: Judith, a nurse and midwife in Sierra Leone received her training through a legacy gifted to Christian Aid.  Now Judith looks forward to working in improved health clinics, currently without running water or electricity, because of a legacy gifted to Bishops’ Appeal.