Door to door survey finds openness to Christ in midst of Covid
A church door–to–door survey in Bleary has found that almost a third of people believe Covid is going to affect their mental health in 2021, but 49% believe Christ can provide the answers to their worries.
A visitation team from the Parish of Knocknamuckley posted letters to 370 homes giving advance notice of the survey, with 156 homes taking part in a socially distanced doorstep survey over two weeks in the run up to Christmas.
At least seven people who answered their doors came to faith or recommitted themselves through the work of the team.
Rodney Adamson (pictured above), a member of the church, was motivated to lead the project in light of the despair he saw in many people during repeated lockdowns. Mr Adamson has been involved with gospel outreach projects for over 25 years and runs his own kitchen manufacturing business.
“People are isolated in our communities and we must go to them to bring a message of hope,” he said. “We believe that God is interested in people struggling in lockdowns.”
He said that some of the key findings of the survey were that almost a third of people saw Covid as affecting their mental health in 2021, but that in addition 49% saw Christ as providing the answers for their future. He also found that 53% of those surveyed were interested in knowing God personally.
“After reviewing the results of the survey, not surprisingly, it would seem that Covid has shocked people more than any other interference they have ever had to deal with,” he said.
“People are unsure how they will cope with it in the future but it is also interesting to note that they realise God is the answer and they don’t want to disregard His authority over world events.”
He said the response from people during home visitations was “very positive”.
“One resident answered the door by asking ‘Where have you been?’ after the project was delayed by two weeks due to the circuit breaker lockdown.
“Many people were wanting to speak with us and asking for the Christian direction. One man who said he was an atheist even thanked us for calling with him. He went on to say he did not have the same conviction as we have but said he would read the literature he received because we had taken time to come and speak to him.
“Others received the gospel message into their lives, declaring that it has helped them face ongoing concerns in their lives.”
For those people who answered the survey by saying they would be interested in knowing God, team members took them through a booklet, ‘Knowing God Personally’.
“A large percentage of people acknowledged that they have got life wrong at times and made bad decisions. We explained that believing that Jesus has died for their sins, they could believe God to forgive them and help in the way ahead.
“Some of them indicated they want to follow their new–found faith and continue in fellowship. So we also advised them to develop their relationship with God by reading the Bible to find out how He will direct them, and to bring their concerns and joys to God in prayer.”
Some of the key findings of the survey of 156 households, were:
76% said Covid had affected their life.
55% said it had affected their lifestyle while 35% said it had affected their family.
31% believed it would affect their mental health in future with 32% believing they would suffer more isolation.
29% said they would carry on as normal.
49% said they believed that Christ was the answer to their worries for the future though 24% were not sure about this.
53% said they were interested in knowing God personally while again, 24% said they were not sure on this issue.
Anyone who wishes to engage with the team on matters of faith can contact the rector of Knocknamuckley, Revd Geoffrey Haugh on (tel 028 388 31 227) or Rodney Adamson on