Liturgical Advisory Committee prepares special service for use during pandemic
The Liturgical Advisory Committee of the Church of Ireland has launched a newly constructed Service of the Word for use during the coronavirus pandemic.
The liturgy, which is available at this link on the Church of Ireland website, is intended to support clergy, readers and congregations as they seek to reflect the current global pandemic in their continuing worship. The liturgy can act as a standalone service, or sections of it (including some additional prayers and resources appended to the material) can be used to supplement other acts of worship.
Speaking about the service, the LAC’s Vice–Chair, the Venerable Ricky Rountree, said: ‘Like all of us in the Church, the LAC had hoped that the initial response to the pandemic might be short lived. However, it became apparent in the Autumn of 2020 that this would not be the case. Indeed, at the time when this material will go live on the website, churches on every part of this island have reverted to online worship.
‘While the focus of worship should always be the Lord Jesus Christ, it is right to reflect the global situation in an appropriate way when we gather in person or online for services. This material is quite straightforward and it is not lengthy, so we hope it may be of use for those preparing online worship as well as in person worship when we return to our Church buildings. Although the liturgy offered takes the form of a Service of the Word, it is easily adapted to Eucharistic situations – where it is safe to do so. I am pleased to commend this new material to the Church, on behalf of the LAC.’