Pray with the World Watch List 2021
Bishop David commends the latest World Watch List from Open Doors. The list is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.
With it you can explore the country profiles to find information, stories and prayers for each, along with ways that you can stand with your persecuted church family in prayer and action.
Bishop David says:
‘I first came across the World Watch List almost fifteen years ago when someone in the church where I was rector got the whole congregation engaged in a simple act of praying for 50 countries. The nation that I and my wife Hilary prayed for that day was the nation of Jordan. Since that time 15 years ago we have increasingly become involved in and impacted by the work of Open Doors and the privilege of praying for the persecuted church across our world.
“The World Watch List is an invaluable resource which I commend to you for personal and parish use. It is a privilege to stand with our persecuted brothers and sisters in prayer in these difficult days and indeed in all seasons.”
Click here to discover free World Watch List resources including for youth and children.