Service celebrating the ministry of Bishop Bill Love
Following his retirement as Bishop, the diocese of Albany joined in a virtual celebration of The Rt Revd Bill Love’s episcopate on 27 February. Bishop David writes:
“It was with mixed feelings of privilege, gratitude and sadness that I joined with our friends of many years past in Albany for the online service that marked the retirement of Bishop Bill Love. The service had been postponed from 31st January, the actual day of Bill’s retirement, as he had tested positive that very morning with Covid–19.
“On a personal note, Bill and Karen are dear friends of myself and Hilary and this friendship will continue into all that lies ahead for us and for them. We pray that, as Bill requests in this service, God will use their future years in fruitful ministry and in the service of his Church and kingdom. We wish them both happiness, peace, joy and rich blessings in the years ahead.
“The courage and commitment of Bishop Bill to the Christian faith as it was handed down to us is an inspiration and something that we thank God for. We thank God for the strength of this godly leader’s courage and conviction which are summed up well in the closing comments by Bishop Dan.
“Take time to watch and listen to this inspirational service and please continue to pray for Bill and Karen in the days that lie ahead.”
+ David