24 hrs of prayer for prisons on Easter Saturday
A number of leading Christian Prison Ministries, are coming together to pray for 24 hours on Saturday 3 April.
During this time each prison ministry will be hosting two 1 hour slots in which they will be praying for all aspects of prison life.
Revd David Jardine is the Church of Ireland Chaplain to HMP Maghaberry and Hydebank Wood College and is part of the organising team. Prisons here in NI will be prayed for from 10–11 am and 10–11 pm on that day.
The aim of the Prisons Prayer Partnership is to let the men and women in custody and all prison staff know that they are not forgotten and that we are remembering them at this time.
If you would like to sign up to pray, please follow this link. Find out more in the film below.