• 31 March 2021

Saintfield Parish rise to the 40:40 Lent Challenge

At the beginning of Lent, Saintfield Parish set itself a 40:40 challenge – to put one item of food or toiletries per day in a box, for 40 days. This was to support The Larder Foodbank on Mersey Street with whom we partner. 

All the food gathered meant that we needed two cars to transport it down and we have still enough food to fill another car on Thursday. Over £100 was given as well. 

We are so amazed by the sacrificial generosity of so many and all those who achieved the 40:40 goal. God released the hearts of people to respond so freely. 

Pictured above, one of our cars packed with provisions and Louise Ferguson receiving the donations at The Larder. Please support them or your local food bank as the need is great. 

Revd Chris Pollock