• 24 March 2021

VOICES Mission for Holy Week & Easter

With many voices clamouring for our attention every day, who are we listening to? Join us online from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday for eight life–changing messages from the gospel accounts of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. With worship led by Mount Merrion Church and Christ Church Kilkeel.

All of our speakers are either Diocesan Evangelists or Church Army Evangelists and you’ll find the films daily on this website plus YouTube and Facebook. Please share widely!


Palm Sunday: Shallow Voices (Mark 11: 1–11) with Ann Higgins

Monday: Contrasting Voices (John 12: 1–11) with David Charleton

Tuesday: A Voice from Heaven (John 12: 20–36) with James Crockett

Wednesday: The Voice of Truth Still Speaks (John 13: 21–32) with Myrtle Morrison

Maundy Thursday: The Voice of Love Still Speaks (John 13: 1–17) with John Menagh 

Good Friday: God’s Voice from the Cross (Matthew 27: 11–45) with Jasper Rutherford 

Saturday: Courageous Voices (John 19: 38–42) with Janet Fleming 

Easter Sunday: God’s Voice Calls Your Name (John 20: 1–18) with George Newell


Following the mission, Jim Fleming will lead an Online Alpha for the diocese, beginning Thursday 15 April. 

Please pray for the mission and Alpha and plan to share them with friends, family and further afield.