• 02 April 2021

‘Gifts of Love’ shared in Ballybeen

This Holy Week, St Mary’s Ballybeen have been reaching out to some of their most vulnerable members with the delivery of over 100 ‘Afternoon Tea Boxes’.

The included card said, ‘As we celebrate the hope of Easter, giving thanks for the forgiveness and new life Christ offers through his death and resurrection, please know that we are praying for you and that we are here for you. If you need help or prayer in this time, please feel free to be in touch.’

As you’ll see from the photo above the project has been a source of joy to the givers and the recipients.

Children and young people in Ballybeen weren’t left out either with the delivery of 180 ‘Make Your Own Pizza Boxes’ and the message, ‘A Gift of Love from St. Mary’s Church’. 

This initiative was funded by a grant from Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Department for Communities.

Those children directly connected to St Mary’s Kids’ Church ministry also received a hand–written Easter card, a craft and an Easter activity book from the parish and the GB and BB gave out Easter eggs.