Called to Reader Ministry – Wendy Jenkins
Bishop David commissioned six new Diocesan Readers at a service in Dromore Cathedral on Tuesday 22 June. We asked two of them to share their journey.
Meet Wendy Jenkins from St Dorothea’s, Gilnahirk.
I was brought up in the Church of Ireland and made a personal commitment of faith as a teenager, around the time of my Confirmation. I continued to explore and develop my personal faith through my involvement in my home church, St Dorothea’s Gilnahirk, as well as other Christian groups. Throughout my Christian life, I am so grateful for those who have shared their own faith with me and who have encouraged and challenged me along the way.
Called and trained
Over time, I tried to serve others and to share my faith in different ways through my involvement in parish life and beyond. My personal circumstances began to change with the privilege of caring for my parents ceasing and the possibility of retiring after 36 years of teaching. I felt that God was asking me to explore lay ministry and, as a result, I took the first step when I completed Parish Reader training in 2017. Then, encouraged by others including my then Rector, the Revd Nigel Kirkpatrick, I applied for Diocesan Lay Reader training.
My ‘Here am I. Send me.’ prayer was accompanied by many ‘buts’ and doubts. Yet, God has shown me, as he has done throughout my life, that when God calls us, He also equips us. The training was valuable and necessary in preparing us for our ministry. It was also challenging at times, especially once a pandemic, online learning and studying via Zoom were added in! As a group of trainee Readers we have prayed for each other and supported, encouraged and held each other up, initially in person and latterly via a very lively WhatsApp group!
I know, as throughout my whole Christian life, that I couldn’t have done this alone. Encouragement, support but most of all the prayers of others have brought me to this stage. Due to our current vacancy, I have been able to begin my ministry, knowing what a great privilege it is to serve God in this way. With God’s leading and help, I hope to continue to serve God and God’s people both in my own parish and, also in the diocese.