Youth Worker for Titanic Parish
Welcome to Andrew McCaw who recently started as Youth Worker for The Gathering Church Plant in Titanic Parish. Andy (22) is a graduate from CYM and is also now training as a Diocesan Evangelist.
Just a few weeks into his new job, Andrew says that he’s looking forward to what God will do.
“There’s something about this place here in St Martin’s Church on the Lower Newtownards Road where I feel that God is on the move. I’m really, really excited to see what we can do for the young people in this community to meet their needs.”
Andrew’s new role is a pioneering one and completely different to anything he has done before, but he’s up for the challenge. “I’ve found that in The Gathering there’s an openness to stepping out in faith with the Holy Spirit so wherever God wants to take us on this journey we’re willing to go.”
Ross Munro, Church Plant Leader at The Gathering said:
“As you can imagine our community is so excited to have Andrew on board in this new role. He’ll be responsible for leading youth initiatives with a focus on evangelism, outreach and discipleship in the Titanic Parish and working closely with me as we continue to establish a new worshipping community here.
“It’s a broad and busy remit. Andrew will be working alongside the Belfast MET student chaplaincy and other bodies to support students as well as making connections with charitable organisations within the parish to promote work among youth and children.
“Andrew is a really capable young man with such a heart for God and young people. Please pray for him as he builds relationships in the community and takes these exciting first steps into full–time ministry.”