Helping ministry to flourish
Do you want to maximise your income? Doubtless most of us do personally and churches have no less a need. Keith Gardiner, our Diocesan Fundraising Officer for Church Growth, introduces some of the new initiatives the diocese is planning to help ministry flourish.
Keith writes..
My role in the diocese has been created with the aim of helping parishes to maximise their income and find sources of external funding so that they can develop new facilities and ministries.
Since taking up my appointment in March this year I’ve been developing a generosity initiative, creating new guides for parishes to help churches apply to external funders, and looking at ways to promote legacy giving. In addition, I am supporting efforts to secure funding for new diocesan church plants and ministry initiatives.
Generosity Initiative
In September this year we’ll be piloting The Generosity Initiative, a new, four–part discipleship programme. The sessions involve Bible study where, with the help of respected Bible teachers, we’ll consider what actions we each need to take in response to God’s generosity.
Session 1 looks at the following questions:
What does the word generosity mean to you? Have you experienced God’s generosity? How should we respond to the generosity of God?
We live in a culture where the demands on our time can be there 24/7. It’s easy to fill our lives so full of activities that we don’t have time for God or his mission in the world. However, we are called to be members of Christ’s church and each person has their own part to play in God’s plans for the extension of His Kingdom. Where we invest our time, energy and talents reveals what matters most to us.
Session 2 will consider the questions:
What time can we set aside to support the work of our church or other Christian organisations? What gifts or talents has God given us that we could use in His service?
Many people we know spend their lives searching for treasure – bigger homes, nicer cars, more clothes, better food, or luxurious holidays. Perhaps we have done that ourselves? However, Jesus talked about a different type of treasure that we should be seeking, likening the Kingdom of heaven to a treasure hidden in a field.
Session 3
In this session we’ll consider what Jesus says about treasure and where we should store it and the implications that these truths have on how we manage the many good things, including money and possessions, that God has entrusted to us.
Session 4
The final session will look at how we can be generous in how we talk. Are we willing to be generous in our conversations, ready to listen rather than control conversations? Are we generous in how we talk about others, pray for others, and share our lives with others letting them know what God has done for us?
If you’re interested in finding out more about The Generosity Initiative, please do get in touch (see below).
Supporting Church Planting and Youth Ministry – get involved
Finally, the diocese is also setting up a Business and Professional Friends Group and Partnership Support Groups for Church Planting and Youth Ministry. These will support the diocese to take forward initiatives in discipleship, leadership and evangelistic outreach over the next 5 years.
Would you be willing to share your time, talents, treasure or testimony to partner with us?
If you are, or would like to find out what it involves, please contact me by email at
Keith GardinerFund Raising Officer for Church Growth