• 20 August 2021

Children and Families Training Evenings

Julie Currie is running two training evenings to help you to safely restart your ministry to children and families. They’re aimed at Sunday school teachers and creche leaders.

These training evenings will be in–person and offer practical advice, risk assessments, ideas and resources for starting back to Sunday school and creche in September. Not to be missed!

Please book your FREE place below: 

Tuesday 24 August from 7.30 – 9.00 pm in Seapatrick Parish, Banbridge

TUESDAY Eventbrite Registration


Wednesday 25 August from 7.30 – 9.00 pm in St Mark’s Dundela

WEDNESDAY Eventbrite Registration

In the meantime, here are a few ideas we will be looking at to get you thinking which ‘WE’ – the Children’s Ministry Network for all Ireland commissioned and put together. 

Great Big Muddy World Trail

We have 6 sets of the board trails (9 boards) to lend out.

Here is the link to all the wondering pages, activity sheets and QR codes.

If you would like to know more and find out how to use the trail there is a training/information ZOOM evening by Lucie Hutson (creator of Muddy Church and this trail) on Thursday 26 August at 7.30 pm. Just contact Lydia Monds to book your place lydia.monds@gmail.com.

Back to Church Pack 

This is a fantastic resource packed full of ideas, permission sheets, welcome back sheets, top tips for welcome teams, note page for children in church, transition planning & vision catching sheets and more.

Here is the link to Back to Church resources

JIGSAW Curriculum

The full curriculum you all should be aware of or at least heard about from Julie!

3 books, with 30 lessons, 10 all age/family services in each, including ideas for teaching memory verses, songs, games, prayers and crafts.

Each lesson and all age/family service has been downsized to JIGSAW@HOME allowing you to share together with the children and their families what teaching they are learning and to enjoy it at home too.

All of the material is on Dropbox so just ask Julie for the link julie@downanddromore.org