New outreach project in Tullycarnet
Bishop David has appointed Matthew Gault to pioneer a new outreach project in the Tullycarnet estate in East Belfast.
Tullycarnet is situated mostly in the Parish of Stormont and the project will seek to meet the needs of people of all ages living in the estate. In time, Matthew and his wife Kirsty hope to plant a new worshiping community which will disciple those who come to know Christ as a result of the outreach.
Matthew has a proven track record as an evangelist and pioneer and will work closely with the rector of St Molua’s Stormont, Revd Emma Rutherford. He takes up this new role on 1 September.
We asked Matthew to tell us a little about himself:
“I became a Christian in my late teens because of the faithful witness of my Christian friends and family. A brilliant Youth Pastor invested in me, discipling and encouraging me and involving me in serving. I took a gap year between school and university and was involved in youth work, compassion ministry, Church planting and cross–cultural mission. This unleashed in me a passion for mission, and so I studied Theology at Union Theological College at Queen’s and then completed a Masters there.
Since completing my studies, I have spent a few years working in Bangor Parish Church as the Operations and Missions Co–ordinator and most recently working for Lowe Church in Finaghy as an Evangelism Associate involved in Alpha, CAP and Young Adults’ ministries. I have a real passion for reaching people outside the four walls of the Church with the Gospel of the Kingdom and equipping other Saints for ministry. Nothing gives me more joy than seeing people make a commitment to Jesus. I am looking forward to serving and loving the people of Tullycarnet. I look forward to teaching and pastoring them, and to what God will teach me through them and the experience of Church planting.
I recently got married to the wonderful Kirsty. She carries so much wisdom, compassion, and really nurtures and invests in others. As a family, we are really looking forward to rolling up our sleeves and getting involved in the local community.”