• 12 August 2021

Priorities Fund – apply now

The latest round of Priorities Funding is open for new applications. All information is available on the website priorities.ireland.anglican.org where applications must be made before the closing date of Sunday 31 October 2021.

Contributions to the fund come directly from Church of Ireland parishes and, since its establishment in 1980, over €17 million (£16 million) has been distributed in grants.

Four categories are currently supported by the fund:

  • Training – lay and ordained;

  • Christian education;

  • Outreach initiatives; and

  • Innovative ministry in a rural context.

Download the latest Priorities Fund Criteria as a PDF here.

Visit the website to apply and find out more.

A reminder that the closing date for the receipt of completed applications is Sunday, 31 October 2021.

For more information, please contact Gordon Woods at Church of Ireland House, Dublin

Tel: (00 353) (0) 1412 5636 (9.30 am–1.00 pm Monday–Friday) Email: 
