Exploring ministry together
The Bible shows us that God is a God who speaks, who calls His people out and into His plans and purposes. This call can take time to tease out and is often revealed slowly and gradually.
The Bible also describes his Word to us not as a floodlight across the landscape, but a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. If you sense the beginnings of a call, then we’d love to facilitate that process of discerning your path through our Exploring Ministry Group.
The group meets four times a year and gives you the opportunity to connect with other like–minded individuals, to learn more about the process, discover your gifts, test your call, ask questions and receive prayer and support.
The programme runs over a two–year cycle, and you may join the group at any point in the two years.
As well as visiting different centres of ministry around the diocese and having input from local church leaders about ministry in their context, you will also consider topics such as the character and spirituality of a leader, communicating God’s Word, evangelism, clergy life, transition and cultural engagement. In addition, you will spend time discussing chapters from a book that will help you explore the various criteria involved in the selection process.
Individuals are usually expected to belong to the EMG for at least one year before progressing further along the route to selection. It is worth noting that being part of this group does not necessarily mean that a person will go on to become ordained.
How do I join the Exploring Ministry Group?
If you haven’t already done so, it’s a good idea to chat through your sense of call with your minister and other trusted Christians. Please also get in touch with one of the (Joint) Diocesan Directors of Ordinands, Revd Simon Genoe and Revd Karen Salmon (pictured below) who oversee the EMG.
EMG Meeting Dates for 2021–22
Tuesday 5 October in Magheralin
Wednesday 26 January in Kilkeel
Wednesday 6 April in Willowfield
Wednesday 22 June in Mount Merrion
Want to find out more? Download the Ordination Training Brochure 2021 HERE.