“Things are moving again” in Braniel Community Church
After many months of not being able to use their building due to COVID restrictions, it’s with some relief and excitement that Braniel Community Church are getting back to where they want to be.
“This hall was always known as a place for the community and we’re hoping to get back to that now we can use the building,” says the Braniel’s leader, James Crockett.
Achieving that goal will be easier with the recent alterations to St Brigid’s Hall on the Lower Braniel Road, home to BCC since its launch in 2014. Thanks to some external funding, the hall has new toilets with disabled access and a patio area at the front where the community can gather, and kids and youth work can take place. James is hoping to get funding to put up an awning. “We’ll be future–proofed against another lockdown!” he says.
The church has also received funding from Belfast City Council to buy new kitchen appliances which will make it more practical to offer hospitality on the premises.
The volunteer team has also been boosted with the arrival in September of a three–strong PAIS Team shared with St Clement’s in Templemore Avenue. Liana, Hannah and Dorit are from Germany and run the Braniel’s youth and children’s work on Wednesday and Thursday. Liana also helps out on Sundays.
James says the team is already making a difference. “We re–opened our Kids’ Club (P1–P5) and Youth Club (P6 and above) about three weeks ago. It’s been a slow burn, but we’ve seen some new faces come along which is encouraging. We’re also back into Braniel Primary. The PAIS team started an After–School Bible Club last week and it’s going well. It’s starting to look like things are moving again and we’re getting the opportunity as a church to actually help people and do what we want to do.”
This includes being involved with food bank donations and referrals around the area and the church has a mental health first aider who can respond to anyone in turmoil. The team have a plan to reach Braniel as a whole with the good news of Jesus over the next two years through community days, kids and youth work, Alpha, Fresh Start and the possibility of a football camp.
James concludes:
“Fundamentally we are thankful that we can worship God more freely again, with the ability to offer personal prayer ministry during and after our services, in which we have seen God move. Sundays are exciting again!”
Pictured above L–R: James, Joshua and Liana