• 02 November 2021

A reflection on COP26

Canon Raymond Fox lives in Holywood, Co Down and writing poetry is one of his many interests in retirement. Married to Jean, Raymond is a father of three and grandfather to six. We share below his words penned a few days ago on the eve of the COP26 Climate Conference. 


May seem a little strange at seventy five

My interest in survival of our humanity

Those far away, with droughts and floods

While at home little changes, blue bin, red

Where else can I start but on my doorstep

On the eve of COP26, and yes it’s no. 26

Those 25000 people arriving in Glasgow

Into their ears, cataclysmic climate change

Scientists, more scientists, legions of them

Asking, which bit do you not understand

Like the glass walls of a greenhouse, gas

Layers of gas, heat passes through, daily

Gas stops it returning back through again

So more heat is trapped, between earth

And gas, the climate continues to warm up

Days before COP26 , Code Red For Humanity

Highlighting gaps between promises, reality

If we don’t act, here as well as far away, crisis

There will Report says be irreversible catastrophe

Will be people who know problem..and…

Fix it or not, limit temperature or not, dilemma

Scientists say limit to 1.5 rise, do nothing 2 or more

The longer we continue to omit carbon dioxide gas

Nitrous oxide, methane, the more risky our plight

UN Sec Gen, here’s a ‘thundering wake up call’

The good news is..the climate can still be stabilised

The question for COP26 and for me is very stark

We know the problem, how quickly are we prepared

To fix it, in our so called developed world and

Help the less developed world make their change

It’s not watch the future but change the future, for all

And this affects the Good News, God calls us to care

Faith affirms our earth is a gift from the creator, sustainer

We are entrusted to be coworkers for God’s glory, honour

This trust requires abilities, responsibilities, integrity

It rejects wanton neglect, selfishness, pride, negativity

Rather it affirms the promise of a new earth, new heaven

It promotes a vision of wholeness, peace, as well as hope

So it rejects pollution, extreme weather and rising sea levels

For those near and far, the wealthy and those with nothing

It demands, lifestyle changes, reducing greenhouse emissions

Raymond Fox 30 October 2021, day before COP26 begins