Bibles for Babies
Bible Society NI want everyone in Northern Ireland to have access to a Bible. That’s why, in 2022, they are launching the Bibles for Babies programme.
Through this programme they want to provide a FREE Bible to every baby born in 2021, and another Bible in 2026 when they turn five. They will also send a birthday card on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Birthdays.
BSNI are passionate about families reading God’s Word together and hope that this will encourage families to read to their young ones from the very beginning of their life and, indeed help them to develop their own Bible reading habits.
BSNI want to bless the children born in 2021, no matter what their background. What a brilliant idea! If this applies to you or anyone in your congregation, sign up at the link below.–for–babies