• 10 December 2021

Call to speak out against paramilitary human rights abuses

Bishop David joined other church leaders and politicians today in calling for people to take a stand against the human rights abuses that paramilitary crime gangs continue to carry out across Northern Ireland.

The bishop was attending an event in Belfast organised by the Stop Attacks Forum who have invited people to take a pledge and to demonstrate their opposition by wearing a black ribbon and/or using a black ribbon on their social media posts.

The Stop Attacks Forum wants everyone in society “to open their eyes to the abuse and harm caused by criminal paramilitary gangs who inflict grievous violence on members of their own communities”.

Bishop David said:

“It was a privilege on International Human Rights Day to be present at an event where politicians and church leaders together made the pledge below which we would like to share widely. We encourage others to join us in speaking out to say that shootings, beatings and expulsions of young people must not be tolerated in our society and fall into the category of human rights abuses and indeed in some cases, child abuse.”

The Pledge

I pledge to open my eyes to the suffering inflicted by

paramilitary criminal gangs. I am asking you to do the same.

I pledge to open my eyes to the human rights abuses that they

allege to carry out on behalf of our communities. These

shootings, beatings, and expulsions are not justice. They are not

in my name.

I pledge to stand with those who work to eradicate this

inhumane violence and ask others to have courage to speak out

with me.

I pledge to encourage others to open their eyes to the damage

these barbaric acts course.

I pledge to stand up and speak out.

As a sign of speaking out and standing up against this suffering –

I pledge to wear this black ribbon for 1 day.

To show my support to end these attacks – I pledge to use

this black ribbon for 1 day on my social media pages.