Donaghcloney Parish welcomes a new rector
Revd Mark Lennox has received a warm welcome from his new congregations in Donaghcloney and Waringstown. Bishop David instituted Mark as Rector at a service in Holy Trinity Waringstown on 6 January and Bishop Ken Clarke gave the address.
Mark has known Bishop Ken for many years, and they have travelled many miles and journeys together (both literally and spiritually). The primary emphasis of the sermon was St Paul’s clear exhortation to the younger leader Timothy, “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus…”
Preaching from the first few verses of 2 Timothy 2, Bishop Ken said:
“Mark, you will feel stretched weak and unsure at times but be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus. Preach grace. Live in grace. Swim in the river of grace. Drink from the wells of Christ’s grace. Aim for a grace–filled ministry. Like Jesus be full of grace and truth!”
Bishop Ken also challenged the Church to be strong in grace…. “a church of open hearts not bitter hearts, upbuilding words not hurtful comments, welcoming hands not clenched fists nor pointing fingers! The crucified hands of Jesus are open hands speaking of profound compassion, radical forgiveness and overflowing overwhelming and unending grace!”
Mark introduces himself below
I was born and raised in Castledawson and had a very happy childhood shared with my brother and Mum and Dad who sadly, are no longer with us.
I went to Primary School in Castledawson, then on to Magherafelt High School and the North East Institute in Magherafelt.
I became a Christian at the age of 17 and attended my home Parish of Christ Church, Castledawson. It was at University in Coleraine while studying a BA Hons in Business and Computing that the call to ordained ministry was confirmed.
I was licensed as a Diocesan Reader in June 2005 and ordained deacon in June 2009.
I served my Curacy in the Parish of Maghera and Killelagh (2009 – 2012), and my first incumbency was as Bishop’s Curate in Charge of the Parish of Camus–Juxta–Mourne (Strabane, 2012–2018), both in the Diocese of Derry.
In May 2018 I was instituted as Rector of the Parish of Killyman, in the Diocese of Armagh, from which I now join the Diocese of Down and Dromore.
I have a deep passion for mission and serve on the Board of both SAMS and New Horizon.
Outside of church life I enjoy watching rugby (I’m an Ulster season ticket holder), exploring new places and have also been known to hit the odd golf ball (though not always in the right direction).
I am an evangelist at heart, and I love seeing people put their faith in Jesus and grow in their faith in Him. I am excited at being called to be a part of what God is going to do in the Parish of Donaghcloney.
One of my favourite quotes is from the author Dr Chris Wright:
“It is not so much the case that God has a mission for his church in the world, as that God has a church for his mission in the world. Mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission – God’s mission.”